
I Made Djirna



    Faces 2


    Mixed Media on Canvas, 80 x 60 cm

    Flower Money


    Mixed Media on Canvas, 280 x 180 x 4 cm

    Artist Bio

    (b. 1957, Kedewatan, Ubud, Bali)

    Growing up in Bali, I Made Djirna was enchanted by illustrations of Balinese myths. Fascinated by the powerful depiction of good and evil spirits and the turmoil of the human soul, he began to draw and paint by the age of six.

    Djirna mastered traditional Balinese art styles as a member of the Young Artists’ Movement in Bali. As his artistic skills grew, Djirna left his hometown for the now Akademi Seni Rupa Indonesia in Yogyakarta, where he spent several years exploring the various issues arising from globalisation and a changing Indonesian society. In this new environment, Djirna’s artistic spirit thrived and he began painting beyond what was traditionally beautiful and pleasing.

    Today, Djirna’s art explores a broad range of themes- from social issues and politics in Indonesia and the world, to personal reflections on village life and human relationships. One of Indonesia’s most recognized artists, Djirna has received many awards for his works. He has exhibited, both solo and in groups, in Australia, Canada, Guam, Indonesia, Singapore and Switzerland.

    ‘My concern is to express reflections that go far deeper than what we can know with our panca indra (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin)…All of my work is a process that goes hand in hand with the demands of my soul. It is essentially a spiritual process taking visible, pictorial shape.’ – I Made Djirna

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