Though they largely served commercial and colonial agendas as they worked across and traversed geographic borders in the region, these photographers offered some of the earliest glimpses into the distinct characteristics of the places they immersed in—ranging from portraits of royalty, political leaders and ordinary people; spiritual sites, palaces and monuments; and lush, picturesque tropical landscapes. The breadth of these historical images, while boasting the rich diversity of Southeast Asia, also provide insight into shared realities and connections across localities, making them worthy of being critically studied to deepen our understanding on the region’s complex, collective history.
The Photographs

Photograph of a group of Buddhist sculptures arranged in a tableau
taken by Philip Adolphe Klier, 1890s Burma
20.6 x 13.4 cm
Albumen print
The figures represent a reclining Buddha in the centre, with attendant worshippers including monks and other praying figures positioned around him. They may represent figures that play an important role in Buddhism such as the Buddha’s disciples, novices and the lokanat (a spirit possibly deriving from the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara). Burmese Buddha images are traditionally cast in bronze but these kinds of free-standing figures are often carved in wood and found in religious sites such as pagoda platforms. The Burmese have an ancient tradition of woodcarving and the animated and naturalistic quality of the figures is a product of the technical and aesthetical skill of Burmese artisans.
Provenance: Günter Heil Collection
Literature: Joachim K. Bautze. “Drei Kataloge oder Bildlisten der von F. Beato in Myanmar angefertigten Fotografien” in: Tribus. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr.63 – Oktober 2014, pp. 136-174.

FRONT: Photograph of a group of low-caste hindoo women and children
taken by Edward Taurines, 1890s, Bombay – India
24 x 19 cm
Albumen print
Provenance: Günter Heil Collection
Literature: Joachim K. Bautze. “Drei Kataloge oder Bildlisten der von F. Beato in Myanmar angefertigten Fotografien” in: Tribus. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr.63 – Oktober 2014, pp. 136-174.

BACK: Panaromic view of Mandalay
taken by J. Jackson (1870)
21.3 x 28.5 cm
Albumen print
Provenance: Günter Heil Collection

The British Rangoon Golf Club
taken by Philip Adolphe Klier, 1900s, Burma
20.5 x 28.5 cm
Albumen Print
Provenance: Günter Heil Collection

Photograph of a festive procession on the main street of Mandalay
Unknown, 1880s-1900s, Burma
21 x 26.5 cm
Albumen Print
Provenance: Günter Heil Collection
Literature: Joachim K. Bautze. “Drei Kataloge oder Bildlisten der von F. Beato in Myanmar angefertigten Fotografien” in: Tribus. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr.63 – Oktober 2014, pp. 136-174.

Photograph of two Dacoits; Boh Myue Se and Ngo Youl – his follower, and a guard
Unknown, 1870s-1890s, Burma
26.7 x 20.5 cm
Albumen Print
Provenance: Günter Heil Collection
Literature: Joachim K. Bautze. “Drei Kataloge oder Bildlisten der von F. Beato in Myanmar angefertigten Fotografien” in: Tribus. Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums. Nr.63 – Oktober 2014, pp. 136-174.

Photograph of 5 men
Photographer Unidentified
12.5 x 17.5 cm
Salted Paper Print

A portrait of a Lady Boy smoking
Taken by Emile Gsell (1838 – 1879), 1870s-1890s, Burma
14.5 x 22 cm
Albumen Print
Provenance: Günter Heil Collection

FRONT: A collection of seven images consisting of :
Top row from left –
1. An Atcheenese couple*
A teukoe of the west coast of Aceh with his bride
2. A Batak chief
3. A Batak woman
4. A Klingalese man*
Bottom row from left –
5. Sultan of Saleh
6. A Malay woman
7. Kling Chatties
taken by Gustave Richard Lambert (1846 – 1907)
1885-1895, Dutch India/Indonesia
Albumen Print
Provenance: Günter Heil Collection
Literature: Karin Peterson / Steven Wachlin: In het Voetspoor van Louis Couperus. Pasoeroean door de lens van Salzwedel. Amsterdam, 2009.
*Also in collection of National Gallery Australia

BACK: Left – A village scene
Attributed to Max Martin (unknown)
14 x 21 cm
Albumen Print
Right – Chinese Temple
Photographer unidentified
14 x 21 cm
Albumen Print

A Village Scene
Photographer unidentified, undated, location unknown
11.5 x 16.5 cm
Albumen Print

Photograph of two ladies
Attributed to Kassian Céphas (1870 – 1912)
1900s, Indonesia
13 x 10 cm
Albumen Print
De een zijn dood is de ander zijn brood
One man’s death is another man’s bread
Written on the back of the photograph

Photograph of a group of performers (Javanese)
Attributed to Kassian Cephas (1867 – 1910)
1900s , Indonesia
14 x 21.3 cm
Albumen Print
Play by Javanese in costume. Some of the men have been powdered white and some of them wear special crown-like headgear. Children are also involved in the game.
In landsche Comedianten
Comedian of native people
Written on the back of the photograph
*Also in the collection of Rjiksmuseum