
Tempus Fugit (Time Flies)


    August 22, 2014 – September 5, 2014

    Gajah Gallery


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    Gajah Gallery is proud to present Singaporean artist Jason Lim’s 20-year survey exhibition, curated by Daniela Beltrani. Lim is one of Singapore’s most respected performance artists and a leading contemporary ceramist.

    The curatorial core of this exhibition hinges on two complementary areas of focus: the first (Timeline), dynamic by nature, has a purely art historical, non-commercial, approach and probes into Lim’s performance art practice from its very beginning to the present time, considering his evolution and offering a meaningful context to the photos exhibited in the second section of the exhibition. The second section (Fine Art Photography) proposes a selection of photographs, as unintentional, distilled and sublimated moments extrapolated from the artist’s main series of performances in his more recent and mature phase.

    This exhibition will therefore unravel in two clear segments of time-journey from 1994 to 2014, complete with text, documentation (photos and videos) and ephemera (relics, catalogues, invites, etc…) and an in-depth and focused presentation of selected performances from three series – Duet with light, Duet with thread and Last Drop – which since 2005 have represented the consistent research of Lim’s continuing performance art practice.

    Lim’s abandonment of objects with inner associations or symbolic meanings and ultimately his direction towards essentiality has freed his performances from attachment to any cultural, religious, political, social significance, making them potentially understood and appreciated by anybody.

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