
Biasa Aja


    October 19, 2006 – October 31, 2006

    Gajah Gallery


    Gajah Gallery is proud to hot Yunizar’s solo exhibition “Biasa Aja” on the 19th of October 2006.

    Even if the paintings look simple, they are very mature in colors, essential in forms, and serious in the creative process. They tend to be monochromatic with slender and dark figures, relying on power of lines, like writing rows of sentences that only appear like sentences for they do not hold meanings. But certainly, those sentence-like forms are “graffiti” in Yunizar’s world that is full of contemplation and layers of meanings.

    In its entirety, Yunizar is consistent with his spontaneous expression as can be seen in his selection of theme and the way he response to it. He does not emphasize the style of his painting and as such he does not fall into the trap of routines in forming and coloring.

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