Gajah Gallery is pleased to announce Susie Lingham’s first solo show at Gajah Gallery, Thought Sample Return. The show opens to the public on 29 July, and is curated by John Tung.
“Space was still there; but it had lost its predominance. The mind was primarily concerned, not with measures and locations, but with being and meaning.”
Aldous Huxley, The Doors or Perception
How does the mind unravel a concept? How does consciousness locate itself amidst the unfathomable unconscious? Acknowledging the unconscious mind as a deeper stratum that operates faster and more accurately than the conscious, Thought Sample Return presents a new body of conceptual sculptures by Susie Lingham that probes the human mind, its capacity for reasoning, and the manner in which it perceives.
The artworks presented, corporealizing from a synthesis of ideas and concepts that have occupied the artist’s imagination, set off a chain reaction of associations spanning the breadth of phenomena that have pervaded human attempts at rationalisation. The succinct and eloquent sculptures facilitate encounters with space, time, nature, and the essence of knowledge, re-iterating the gulf between perception and knowing.
Though far from representing a relinquishing of control to such an expanse of unknowability, the tangible attributes possessed by the artworks within Thought Sample Return intimate the possibilities of coalescing such concepts into arrestable forms – even if we may never grasp them fully.