
Fingerprint of an Artist


    February 15, 2001 – March 5, 2001

    Gajah Gallery

    Works on paper from the private collection of the artist’s late wife Ny. Sumini Widayat.

    Gajah Gallery is proud to present Haji Widayat: Fingerprint of an Artist – a solo-exhibition featuring an exclusive selection of works on paper by his late wife Ny. Sumin Widayat. Born in central Java, 1919, Pak Widayat is hailed as the most outstanding living Indonesian artist today. In the history of Indonesian fine arts, he has achieved a place alongside renowned masters like Affandi, Hendra Gunawan, and Sudjojono.

    The exhibition will showcase an atypical collection of works on paper, including sketches, watercolours, woodcuts and prints that have spanned over 40 years of his artistic career. The works relate his life, his studies and his loves: and reflect his impeccable attention and sensitivity to details and his surroundings, particularly of the flora and fauna. Don’t miss this chance to view the works of Indonesia’s most senior artist in his most spontaneous yet skillful mastery.

    The official opening on February 15 at Gajah Galley will be graced by Pak Widayat who is accompanied by guest-of-honour Dr. Oei Hong Djien, a most eminent collector of Indonesian art.