
Axis: Poros


    October 7, 2023 – November 7, 2023

    Gajah Gallery Yogyakarta


    Gajah Gallery is proud to present a solo exhibition by artist Fika Ria Santika. This exhibition is the culmination of Santika’s visual journey since 2017, which marked the beginning of her collaboration with Gajah Gallery up to the present day. Featuring a new series of works and a large-scale installation, the exhibition titled Axis: Poros will enliven the art scene in Yogyakarta in the month of October, coinciding with the Jogja Biennale and the Yogyakarta Cultural Festival. This second solo exhibition by Santika will be accompanied with writings by curator Ignatia Nilu.

    The title Axis: Poros may seem distant from the characteristics of Santika’s art, which shifts between various mediums or even pursues different series simultaneously. However, on the contrary, Santika’s ability to explore dynamically and in parallel demonstrates the strength of her internal axis. From costume works, installations with light sensors, acrylic panels, and digital prints to chandeliers and illuminated resin sculptures, they all trace their roots to the relationship between humans as observers and the surrounding nature. The exploratory element in Santika’s work has become her identity; on this occasion, she presents two new series with different forms and mediums.

    Santika composes natural objects within her visual repertoire and memories and transforms them into artworks. These depictions of objects are not presented in a literal manner but rather subtly and implicitly. Santika reinterprets the original forms found in her environment, converting them into a new format without losing the essence and emotions inherent in these natural objects. Organic shapes are combined with neon LED lights that give the impression of artificiality, and Santika skillfully contrasts opposing elements that seem incapable of merging. The works that Santika produces reflect a personal intimacy with the natural objects she encounters.

    Born and raised in the highlands of Minangkabau, West Sumatra, in a society that integrates nature into daily life, she seeks inspiration from themes such as the irregularities of change, the cycles of life, and the inevitability of growth. In particular, the phrase “Alam Takambang Jadi Guru,” which means “Nature is the best teacher,” may be familiar to most Minangnese. Still, Santika aims to explore its relevance and application in contemporary society. Building on this concept, she embraces the essence of Minangkabau culture when she travels beyond her local region, constantly internalising it when faced with different ways of life.

    The exhibition will feature approximately 15 artworks, a combination of both new and existing series. The artist will also introduce an experimental sculpture installation using holographic balloons as a medium, unveiling an entirely new visual direction she has yet to explore. All of these elements reflect Santika’s unwavering commitment to offering fresh possibilities in art creation, emphasising exploration and experimentation. Santika has firmly solidified her position within the landscape of Indonesian and even Asian art. Consequently, this exhibition serves as a celebration of Santika’s artistic journey and an expression of gratitude from the Gajah Gallery, which has been privileged to be part of her creative journey.


    Fika Ria Santika (b. 1987, Indonesia) graduated from Padang State University, Padang, Indonesia, in 2010 and from the Indonesian Institute of Art (ISI) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2012 for her masters. She won the Mural Design Contest at the National Gallery of Indonesia in 2014 and undertook a residency at Selasar Sunaryo Artspace, Bandung, Indonesia in 2015. She has exhibited in art spaces across the region, from Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. In 2019, she was included in the seminal book Indonesian Women Artists: Into the Future, which was authored by senior writer of contemporary art, Carla Bianpoen.

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