
A Celebration of Culture


    January 1, 1996 – October 20, 1996

    Alliance Française

    This exhibition marks one of the few occasions in Singapore, outside the auspices of mainstream channels, in which works from neighbouring countries can be viewed.

    The new Gajah Gallery has brought together the works of six artists from Vietnam. Thailand and Indonesia, ranging in age from their 20s to 70s.

    None, except for Vietnamese Truong Dinh Hao, 61, has had his works shown here before. Truong’s work was exhibited with other examples of Vietnamese art at the Alliance last year.

    Apart from Truong, the best-known and entrenched artists are Myanmar’s U Aung Soe, 72, and Thailand’s Surachet Kaewchamras, 35.

    Finding fame are Thailand’s Montalee Wichithanasarn, 24, and two Indonesians from Bali: Made Hanta Guna, 25, and Wayan Paramartha, 23, who won an award at the Philip Morris Awards Competition this year.

    Aside from these works, which consist of about 50 paintings in a wide range of media, the exhibition is also showing Vietnamese propaganda posters, described as socio-realist art, painted during the ’50s and ’60s by the Hanoi Art School in the then North Vietnam. This collection has never been seen outside Vietnam.

    Among the more interesting works are those of U Aung Soe. Comprising mainly drawings in ink and paint, the series of works titled Buddha, focuses on the archetypal face of Buddha.

    The stance is exploratory icon, such as one superim posed on another. Various marks made are to enhance and complement the lines of the face, with some text in Burmese written across.