
Pam Yan-SantosĀ 


    Artist Bio

    (b. 1974, Philippines)

    Pam Yan’s works are grounded in the experience of being a mother/wife/artist. The interpenetration of these roles and her worlds allow her to create and recreate spaces and objects, often in deployed methods that blur artistic space and domestic expression, in performative events that often make the domestic, artistic and the artistic as a realm of personal domesticity.

    Yan-Santos received her Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting) degree from the University of the Philippines. While still a student, she won first prize in the print category of the AAP Annual Art Competition in 1993. She taught studio art courses at the UP College of Fine Arts from 1997 to 2000. She recently received the 2009 Thirteen Artists Awards from the Cultural Center of the Philippines and in the same year, was included amongst the 12 short-listed artists for the Ateneo Art Awards.

    Yan-Santos lives and works in Pasig City, Philippines.

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