


    Artist Bio

    (b. 1928 – 1994, Pariaman, West Sumatra, Indonesia)

    Nashar was born in Pariaman, West Sumatra, 3rd October 1928. He grew up in Jakarta and dropped out of school during the first year of his middle school. He joined Tentara Barisan Sukarela as a Soldier for a short while. Nashar learned painting by joining SIM Seniman Indonesia Muda (Indonesia Youth Painters) and followed suit when SIM moved to Solo, Madiun, and Yogyakarta. In 1949 Nashar went back to Jakarta and joined GPI Gabungan Pelukis Indonesia (Indonesian Painters Collective).

    During his time in Jakarta, Nashar went through several odd jobs, one of which was being an illustrator in weekly publications Mimbar Indonesia (Indonesia’s Podium) nurtured by HB. Jassin. Nashar Continuously held solo exhibitions and group exhibitions since 1956. In the year 1970 – 1972 he became an educator in LPKJ Lembaga Pendidikan Kesenian Jakarta (Jakarta Institute of Art Educations). In 1973 – 1976 became a member of Dewan Kesenian Jakarta (Jakarta Art Council). Afterwards he continued teaching in IKJ Institut Kesenian Jakarta (Jakarta Art Institute) throughout 1979 – 199, and became the daily administrator of Jakarta Art Council from 1981 to 1984.

    Nashar passed in Jakarta, 13th April 1994. He was considered as a painter that actively published his thoughts and reflections on the phenomenon around him. His detailed social biography was dissipated through his compilations of letters titled “Surat – Surat Malam” (Night Letters).

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